
It seems too bad that all of the most wonderful things we are told about Peter that the one incident which shows him up in the worst light can show us a warning to us, for we are all in danger of falling as Peter did. No-one is immune from the possibility of a spiritual downfall.


About 475 B.C., Queen Esther asked the burning question that forms the key-verse of this devotion. She was referring of course, to her own people, the Jews, who were in very grave danger. A degree had been signed that all the Jews were to be put to death. (Esther 3:13) Esther was horrified, and filled with concern for their deliverance. Her words have something solemn to say to us, for :

    In this chapter David is brought before us a type of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    David was God’s appointed king, but initially only a few accepted him as
    such; the majority gave their allegiance to Saul, who was rejected by God.