
    Is is possible to live a victorious, God-glorifying, heart-satisfying life in this
    world of unrest and increasing spiritual and moral darkness? Yes, it is!
    Nowhere in the Bible is the life of victory more strikingly portrayed than in
    2 Corinthians 2:14-17, the key verse of which is verse 14.

Part III

6.  The Kind Of Testimony He Bore. (vs:15,16)
     a. He bore a testimony in his face. (vs:15). It is a wonderful testimony when our faces shine for the glory of God. (Exd.34:35;Acts 6:15)
     b. He bore a testimony in his head. (vs:17). Look up Pro.3:13;James 1:5.

Part II

3.  The Kind Of Companions He Chose. (vs:6,7)
     Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were three Hebrews who had been captured and brought to Babylon with Daniel, and directly they were all set to work in "the university of Babylon" their names were changed. Daniel (The Lord is judge) became Belteshazzar (Bel's Prince). Hananiah (The Lord is gracious) became Shadrach (The command of Aku, the moon god). Mishael (Who is like God?) became Meshach (who is an Aku?). Azariah (The Lord is a helper) became Abendego (the servant of Nebo, the god of intelligence).