
    How absolutely vital it is for every Christian to gain an understanding of the New
    Testament teaching about the Spirit-filled life! It is because this subject is so neglected
    and so little understood that many Christians are living on a very low level of Christian
    experience. Their lives are powerless and joyless and their service produces little real
    fruit. For the same reason many of our churches are struggling, and the forces of darkness
    seem to gain ground on every hand. The greatest need for every Christian is to be filled
    with the Holy Spirit; let us consider some vital aspects of this important truth.

In Numbers 6:1-12 we have God’s call to every one of His children to live a separated life. To be saved and to know it is wonderful ( 2 Tim. 1:12 ), but it is not enough. All the way though the Word of God the call comes to us to be separated people – look up 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1. In the Bible separation is always presented as a two-fold experience – separation from and unto. Separation from is mentioned in Numbers 6:3; separation unto is indicated in Numbers 6:2. Thus, by a separated life we mean a life that is separated from all that is contrary to God’s will, and separated ( or dedicated ) to God Himself, for His use and for His glory alone. Let us consider all that this involves.

However much spiritual declension and backsliding there is in the church of God, we who are the Lord’s servants have much to encourage us. For instance, we know that God is still on the throne (Heb. 1:1-3); that He is working His purpose out (Rom.8:28); that the Lord Jesus Christ is engaged in building His church, and that His purpose will not fail (Mt.16:18); that daily men and women are being saved and added to the Lord (Acts 2:47); that the Holy Spirit is calling out a people to the name of Christ (Acts 15:14); that our labor is not in vain (1 Cor.15:58); and that the Lord of the harvest is coming back again soon (Mt.24:42).