by on 12 September

However much spiritual declension and backsliding there is in the church of God, we who are the Lord’s servants have much to encourage us. For instance, we know that God is still on the throne (Heb. 1:1-3); that He is working His purpose out (Rom.8:28); that the Lord Jesus Christ is engaged in building His church, and that His purpose will not fail (Mt.16:18); that daily men and women are being saved and added to the Lord (Acts 2:47); that the Holy Spirit is calling out a people to the name of Christ (Acts 15:14); that our labor is not in vain (1 Cor.15:58); and that the Lord of the harvest is coming back again soon (Mt.24:42).

In addition to these unchanging factors we have much more to encourage us. We have seen souls saved; we have had our prayers answered; we notice a hunger on every hand for the Word of God; many Christians are witnessing for their Lord; some are listening to the call of missionary service. All this brings us great encouragement. Yet the fact remains that these are days of spiritual drought; and Jeremiah in our key-verse, reminds us that whenever there is spiritual drought there is a reason. We see the need of revival, and we need to pray for revival. Why do we not see revival and a deluge of blessings within our churches? Why are we so impotent? Why does revival terry? In Jeremiah 3:1-5, we are told the reason and the remedy for the present state of spiritual drought.


    A. There are four main hindrances to revival.

         1. Spiritual adultery and idolatry.
Look at verse 1, and then verse 2. What a dreadful subject this is! There are three kinds of adultery in the Bible: (1.) physical adultery; (2.) mental adultery; (3.) spiritual adultery, which is committed every time a Christian is unfaithful to his vows to the Lord and does not love Him only and wholly. Are we guilty of this? How little we love Him! We love self,money,success and getting our own way more than we love Him. Look up Matthew 6:31, and then compare John 21:15. Adultery means idolatry – putting someone or something else in the place of God, and because we have done this, revival tarries.

         2. Conformity to the world around. Look at verse 2.
This means that God’s people have lived and acted just like worldly, pagan unbelievers. Many Christians are worldly, whereas we should be other-worldly that is different – look up Col.3:1. Worldliness is adopting the worlds standards and methods. We have done this in the matter of pleasure, amusement, dress and in a way we have conducted our relationships with others. In our churches we have adopted worldly methods for raising money, increasing low standards to get membership and attracting outsiders. We have substituted organization and advertising for prayer, and consequently we lack Holy Spirit power. We have been influenced more by the media, TV than by God’s Word. This is why revival tarries.

          3. Inward pollution and uncleanness. Look at verses 1 and 2.
With Judah these unclean things were outward. They worshipped strange gods and they had false lovers. With us, the trouble is an inward pollution. We are not adulterers in the physical sense of the word (or are we?). We do not steal or become intoxicated. But, what about those sins of the spirit that in God’s sight are just as vile as the sins of the flesh – perhaps more vile? – look up 2 Cor.2:7. Have you ever felt alarmed at the petty things that go on among Christians? How we need revival!! No wonder it tarries!!!

          4. Hardness and lack of concern. Look at verse 3.
How dreadful is the description at the end of this verse. It suggest that although revival does not come we are really not worried very much, for we have a “whore’s forehead”; we are hardened and brazen. Do you ever feel ashamed when you consider the state of our churches and of your own low level of spiritual life? In every church there is a nucleus of folk who are burdened for revival. They are ashamed of the declension that is apparent on every hand, and are filled with travail. But why only a few? Are you numbered with the nucleus?


     A. Three things that we must do if we want revival.

          1. We must believe that God is willing to forgive our sin and send the blessing.
See the wonderful argument in verse 1 – and compare Jer.3:14,22. If a man’s wife is unfaithful to him, he may not be willing to take her back again as his wife, and yet God will have his people back again if they will repent and come back to Him. How wonderful is the grace of God! He is willing, waiting, and wanting to receive us back, to forgive us, cleanse us, restore us, re-commission us and empower us. We must believe this, for this is the first step towards revival.

          2. We must get right with God.
This, surely, is indicated in verse 1. God is ready to receive us, but we must return to Him. Look up verse 22 – we must take the step. This will mean repentance, humbling ourselves, renunciation, confession and dedication to God. Look at Isa.55:7, Lam.3:40, Mt.5:22,1Jn.1:9 and Rom.12:1.

          3. We must pray,pray,and pray. Look at verse 4.
Prayer is always the secret of revival. Nothing happens without prayer. The more we pray , the more God blesses. How often this is illustrated in the Bible and demonstrated in our experience! If only we would pray, God will send the quickening we need in our churches and in our own souls.