by on 30 August


About 475 B.C., Queen Esther asked the burning question that forms the key-verse of this devotion. She was referring of course, to her own people, the Jews, who were in very grave danger. A degree had been signed that all the Jews were to be put to death. (Esther 3:13) Esther was horrified, and filled with concern for their deliverance. Her words have something solemn to say to us, for :

I.  Some who are near and dear to us are in great danger.

Esther spoke of the destruction of her kindred. What is the spiritual condition and position of our loved-ones who are not Christians? Take your Bible, and you will discover that they are:

           1.    Lost – Luke 19:10; 2 Cor.4:3
           2.    Perishing – John 3:16; 2 Pt. 3:9
           3.    Condemned – John 3:18; 1 Cor. 11:32
           4.    Under God’s wrath – John 3:36; Rom. 1:18
           5.    Spiritual blind – 2 Cor.4:4; Eph.4:18.
           6.    Spiritually dead – Eph.2:1; Col.2:13
           7.    Without… God…Hope…Christ –Eph.2:12

II.  We should feel a deep concern for the salvation of our loved-ones.

Esther did. She cried, “ How can I endure…?” It was almost more than she could bear. Indeed, from Esther 4:16 you will see that she was willing to die if need be in order that her people might be saved from destruction. What a tremendous love and compassion filled her heart! Look at Exd.32:32 with Romans 9:1-3. When our loved-ones are in physical danger we are immediately filled with a great concern for them. Do we have any concern in relation to their greatest need, the need of salvation? After all, our bodies are only temporal, but our souls will never die. Look at Mark 8:36,37; Rev. 20:12-15. How is it with your brothers…sisters...children? Are they Christians? If not, have you any real concern for their salvation? Do you in any sense say with Queen Esther,” How can I endure…” the thought of my loved-ones being separated from God in eternity when I , through His grace , will be enjoying the blessedness of my heavenly home? If we have any concern for the salvation of our loved-ones, surely we shall need to do something about it in a practical way.

III.  Concern for our loved-ones should lead us to do something for their salvation.
Directly Esther realized the danger in which her people were she went into action in three ways. Her concern showed itself in her DETERMINATION, her INTERCESSION and in her CO-OPERATION she sought for their deliverance. There are three ways in which we can take action for the salvation of our loved-ones:

1.  DETERMINATION. Esther resolved to give herself no rest until her people were saved. How wonderful it would be if every Christian with unsaved relatives were filled with a holy determination like this! This resolve gripped the heart of Esther! Pray daily for our loved-ones to be saved!

2.  INTERCESSION. Esther went into the presence of the king and pleaded for him to release her people.( Esther 8:5 ) The king had the power to deliver the Jews, so Esther ask him to do it. Here is a picture of a Christian going into the presence of the King in Heaven to plead for the salvation of his loved-ones. Look up Romans 10:1 with James 5:17.

3.  CO-OPERATION. Esther and her uncle Mordecai worked together for the salvation of their people. We must do the same. We can work together by prayer, as we are encouraged to do in Matthew 18:19, and we can also work together by practical effort , as illustrated in Mark 2:1-5.            

Whenever Christians determine to pray and co-operate for the salvation of the members of their family, the Lord will lead them, step by step, into ways and means for bringing those loved-ones to the point of decision. Do not limit the power of God or the ability  of the Holy Spirit to perform mighty miracles in answer to prayer. At the same time, do not forget that the Lord  may be waiting to perform these miracles through your determination , your intercession and your co-operation. Look up Psalm 126:6, Gal.6:9, and notice how wonderfully Queen Esther was rewarded – Esther 8:16.