Daniel, MAN GREATLY BELOVED. ( Daniel 1:1-21)

by on 07 October

Part II

3.  The Kind Of Companions He Chose. (vs:6,7)
     Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were three Hebrews who had been captured and brought to Babylon with Daniel, and directly they were all set to work in "the university of Babylon" their names were changed. Daniel (The Lord is judge) became Belteshazzar (Bel's Prince). Hananiah (The Lord is gracious) became Shadrach (The command of Aku, the moon god). Mishael (Who is like God?) became Meshach (who is an Aku?). Azariah (The Lord is a helper) became Abendego (the servant of Nebo, the god of intelligence).

     What a great thing it is when young Christians who are away from home and surrounded by new temptations can find other Christians  with whom they can have fellowship  in the things of the Lord! On the question of dedication to God and separation from evil, these four young men joined together and refused to compromise. (v:8)

4.  The Kind Of Friend He Found. (v:9)
     Very often in times of testing we are afraid to stand out boldly for the Lord. This may result in our having to plough a lone furrow in serving the Lord, whereas if we had taken our stand for Him we would of found someone who would help and encourage us, as Daniel did - look up Pro.16:7. Although the prince of the eunuchs was not a believer in God, God used him and blessed him to Daniel - look up Pro.21:1, and compare Gen.39:1-6. God is not only sovereign in the lives of His children, but in the lives of worldly people as well. He can turn them whichever way He wishes.