by on 30 September


Although the book of Daniel has been fiercely attacked by the critics, let us remember that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself spoke of " Daniel the prophet " (Matthew 24:15). The twelve chapters of Daniel are easy to read, but by no means easy to understand.They contain dreams and visions, all of which to the unfolding of history and to the closing events of the age. In these devotions I want to spend the time looking at Daniel's life and long service towards God. Daniel is three times described as the "man greatly loved" (Dan.9:23,10:11,19); he was a fine character, with an unblemished record. Lets notice seven things about Daniel.

1. The Kind Of Man He Was. (vs:3,4)
    He was an Israelite, about 18 years of age when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah about the year 606 BC; he was captured and then deported  to the fabulous city of Babylon, the most magnificent city in the world. He was of royal descent (v:3), handsome, a man of culture and outstanding intelligent (v:4). Because of these qualities King Nebuchadnezzar chose him and gave orders that he should be trained in all of the language and literature of the Chaldeans (v:4); he was a Jew among Gentiles, living in an alien land, a believer among unbelievers and God had a great work to do through him over a period of 70-80 years. (Gen.50:20;Philp.1:12)

2.  The Kind Of Food He ATE. (vs:5 and 8)
     Daniel was put on a three years course of training, and by the decree of the king he was to have special food and wine from the king's table to nourish him. This Daniel refused to accept. Why? Because it had been dedicated to some heathen deity and was thus abhorrent and defiling to a godly Jew. Instead, he chose to eat pulse (a kind of herb) - look up 1 Cor.10:20. He was determined to live a separated life and not to compromise in the slightest degree.The tragedy today is that many Christians know little or nothing of the true meaning of separation - look up 2 Cor.6:14-18;7:1. It was a daring thing to do, but God will always compensate His servants when they are unflinchingly true to Him.