How To Find The True God - Key Verse: 2 Chr 15:3,4 Part 2

by on 18 August

A "teaching Priest" was one whose duty it was to teach the people the truth of God. Who are the teaching priest today? Every faithful preacher and teacher of the Word of God is one of God's teaching priests. But the majority of

people are outside the influence of these teachers  and preachers; they do not attend church or listen to an exposition of the scriptures, and they do not read the Bible or the kind of literature which would inform them about the truths of God. In consequence of this, there is an appalling ignorance of the things of God, and the average person knows nothing of God's way of salvation - look up Ephesians 2:8-10. Many have experienced a taste of " churchianity "  or " religiosity " , but very few know the way of salvation as it is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ - compare John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Rom.1:16.

Verse 3 tells us this. The priest were the guardians of the law, and to be without a priest meant, therefore, to be without the law. If anyone wanted to know the law in those days he had to go to the priest; but today, thank God! we have His law , His Word, in the Bible. However, the majority of people do not read the Bible, and therefore they are "without the law". The law is God's standard of what is right and wrong, but the vast majority of people take their standard from the media, newspapers, radio, internet, television, the world's, man's, or the devil's standard has been substituted our civilization has become increasingly corrupted. The great need today is to get back to the Bible, the true standard, the only book which contains the authentic revelation of God and of His love, His grace, His Son, and of His way of saving men and women.