on 01 July

Every Christian should be thoroughly familiar with the great missionary command that runs through both the Old and New testament - a command that clearly outlines God's plan for world evangelisation. Basing our story on Mark 16:15,it is important to notice that: (1.) these words were spoken by our Lord Himself and constitute the divine plan for getting out the gospel to every creature; (2.) this was His parting command to His followers; (3.) it related to the dispensation of grace in which we are living; and (4.) it is therefore just as binding upon us today as it was upon the first Christians! Indeed, generations of souls have lived and died without ever hearing the gospel because Christians have failed to take the gospel  to them. We need the vision of all the world and all creation and our responsibility to do something to bring the gospel to the millions of whom Christ died. Thus,our Lord's command to every creature is to engage in a program of world evangelism. We are not to civilize the world,primarily,or to confine ourselves to a program of education or social betterment - though all of these things will follow if we preach the gospel, the good news - look up Romans 1:16;1 Corinthians 15:1-3. - 


I. The Plan For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is The Lord's.

God's love extends to the whole of mankind. (Jn.3:16) The Lord came for all people (Lk.2:10) The Gospel is to whosoever (Rom.10:12-13) The Lord Jesus died for the whole world (Jn.1:12;1 Jn.2:2). The church of every generation is commissioned by Christ to evangelize the world in its generation. To evangelize the world is to present Christ as the only Savior and divine Lord, that every human being will have a fair opportunity intelligently to accept or reject Him. God's appeal to mankind is still an appeal to "all the world" look up Isaiah 45:22.

2. The Responsibility For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is Upon Every Christian.

The Marching orders of Mark 16:15 are just as binding upon every Christian today as they were at first upon the apostles - see what Paul says about it in 2 Corinthians 5:19;Romans 10:13-17. Immediately we are born into God's family we are responsible for taking our share in the evangelisation of the world. Are you discharging your responsibility? Are you obeying Mark 16:15?

3.  The Need For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is Very Great.

It was great when our Lord initiated this wonderful program, for at that time there was only a handful of Christians; but the need is far greater today, for the world population is so much greater and there are more people who need to hear the gospel and be saved. In addition to this, there are very many more religions and false cults  (2 Cor.4:4) in the world today, then there were 2000 years ago; but there is still only one gospel look up Galatians 1:6-9, and only one Savior - look up John 14:6;Acts 4:12. There are millions of people in the world today who have never heard of Christ.       

4. The Period For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is Limited.The Lord Jesus ounce said - Jn.4:35, and He also said - Jn.9:4. The time is short - look up 1 Cor. 7:29; it is not dispensationally,'...because the Lord's coming is near' (James 5:8);it is short politically, for doors of opportunity for missionary enterprise are fast closing in many lands; and it is short spiritually, for hundreds of thousands of souls die each day without Christ - look up Eph. 2:12. How great is the urgent need for preaching the gospel throughout the world!

5. The Methods For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Are Varied.With the increase of literacy, the rapid advance of technology and the speed of air travel, evangelism is a much speedier business than when the first disciples began their task. There are three methods by which God's people can discharge their missionary responsibilities:
         1. By Prayer. (Matthew 9:36-38)
         2. By Giving. (Acts 11:27-30)
         3. Be Willing To Go Yourself. (Isa.6:8)

6.  The Reward For Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is Very Great.The immediate reward is the special consciousness of the presence of the Lord Jesus - look up Matthew 28:19,20; and the joy of soul winning - look up Psalm 126:6. There are also future rewards - look up Daniel 12:3, and compare Matthew 16:25 with 19:29.7. The Equipment For The Preaching The Gospel To Every Creature Is Promised.The power of the Holy Spirit is one of the essentials enabling for all missionary enterprise - Acts 1:8
Are you willing to BE what the Lord wants you to be; to DO what He wants you to do; and to GO where He wants you to go, cost what it may be,by His grace? If so, will you tell Him so?

 Pastor Duane Crossman